- Fights Inflammation
- Supports Joint and Organ Health
- Promotes Immune Health
- Promotes Healthy Circulation
Chronic Inflammatory Diseases are the Number 1 cause of sickness and death in the world! In fact, more than 50% of ALL deaths can be contributed to inflammation related diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, kidney and liver diseases, and more.
"Too many doctors and health practitioners prescribe medication to address symptoms, but that doesn't fix the underlying root of those symptoms. And instead of making the patients healthier, medication often creates new health challenges that didn't previously exist. My primary goal is to help my patients with natural healing, rather than medication. That starts with high quality supplements that help manage the cause of many of those issues - inflammation. We developed Factor 4 because there was no product on the market that has what I feel are the 4 most powerful anti-inflammatory natural substances on earth. Until now, I've been recommending 3 different supplements to my patients to do what they can now get just by using Factor 4. I'm very proud of this product and make sure all my patients are taking it daily." - Dr. Heather Volpp
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
90% Americans
are deficient in Potassium
70% Americans
are deficient in Calcium
80% Americans
are deficient in Vitamin E
50% Americans
are deficient in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Magnesium
More than 50% of Americans
are deficient in Vitamin D, with over 90% of African Americans, and 70% of elderly people deficient.
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